Kozlova, M. and Yeomans, J.S., 2020. Monte Carlo Enhancement via Simulation Decomposition: A “Must-Have” Inclusion for Many Disciplines. INFORMS Transactions on Education.
Hietanen, L., Kozlova, M. and Collan, M., 2020. Analyzing Renewable Energy Policies–Using the Pay-Off Method to Study the Finnish Auction-Based Renewable Energy Policy. Journal of Environmental Informatics Letters
Kozlova, M. and Yeomans, J.S., 2020. Visual Analytics in Environmental Decision-Making: A Comparison of Overlay Charts versus Simulation Decomposition. Journal of Environmental Informatics Letters
Deviatkin, I., Kozlova, M. and Yeomans, J.S., 2020. Simulation decomposition for environmental sustainability: Enhanced decision-making in carbon footprint analysis. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences.
Collan, M. and Michelsen, K-E. (Eds.), 2020, Technical, Economic, and Societal Effects of Manufacturing 4.0 – Automation, Adaption, and Manufacturing in Finland and Beyond, Palgrave McMillan, London, UK
Collan, M. and Michelsen, K-E, 2020, Closing words – Quo Vadis Manufacturing 4.0, in Collan, M. and Michelsen, K-E. (Eds.), Technical, Economic, and Societal Effects of Manufacturing 4.0 – Automation, Adaption, and Manufacturing in Finland and Beyond, Palgrave McMillan, London, UK, 259-261
Collan, M. and Savolainen, J., 2020, To Phase or Not to Phase: Quantifying the Effect of Phasing Construction Projects, Nordic Journal of Business, 69, 1, 68-90
Kinnunen J., Georgescu, I., and Collan, M., 2020, Center of gravity real options method based on interval-valued fuzzy numbers, in Kahraman, C., Onar, S., Oztaysi, B., Sari, I., Cebi, S., Tolga, A. (Eds.), Intelligent and Fuzzy Techniques: Smart and Innovative Solutions – Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems (INFUS2020), Istanbul, Turkey, 21-23. July, 2020., 1292-1300, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1197, Springer
Kumbure, M.M., Tarkiainen, A., Luukka, P., Stoklasa, J. and Jantunen, A., 2020. Relation between managerial cognition and industrial performance: An assessment with strategic cognitive maps using fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis. Journal of Business Research, 114, pp.160-172.
Kozlova, M. and Collan, M., 2020. Renewable energy investment attractiveness: Enabling multi-criteria cross-regional analysis from the investors’ perspective. Renewable Energy, 150, pp. 382-400.
Kozlova, M., Collan, M., and Overland, I., 2020, Russian Renewable Energy: Regulations and Outcomes, in Hunter, T., Herrera, I., Crossley, P., and Alvarez, G. (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Energy Law, Routledge, New York, USA, Chapter 12, 1-17
Morreale, A., Vu, T., Mittone, L., and Collan, M., 2020, To wait or not to wait? Use of the flexibility to postpone investment decisions in theory and in practice, Sustainability, 12, 8, 3451,
Savolainen, J. and Collan, M., 2020, Additive manufacturing technology and business model change – a review of literature, Additive Manufacturing, vol. 32,
Savolainen, J. and Collan, M., 2020, Industrial additive manufacturing business models – what we know from the literature?, in Collan, M. and Michelsen, K-E. (Eds.), Technical, Economic, and Societal Effects of Manufacturing 4.0 – Automation, Adaption, and Manufacturing in Finland and Beyond, Palgrave McMillan, London, UK, 115-130
Savolainen, J. and Collan, M., 2020, Quantifying the Economic Feasibility of Additive Manufacturing – Simulating Production Lifetime in the Context of Spare Parts Production, in Collan, M. and Michelsen, K-E. (Eds.), Technical, Economic, and Societal Effects of Manufacturing 4.0 – Automation, Adaption, and Manufacturing in Finland and Beyond, Palgrave McMillan, London, UK, 149-167
Stoklasa, J., Luukka, P., and Collan, M., 2020, Possibilistic Fuzzy Pay-off Method for Real Option Valuation with Application to Research and Development Investment Analysis, Fuzzy Sets and Systems
Stoklasa, J., Morreale, A., Talasek, T., and Collan, M., 2020, The mean & range effect – a sweet spot stimulating risk-seeking in managerial decision support, Nordic Journal of Business, 69,1, 21-43
Stoklasa, J., Talášek, T. and Stoklasová, J., 2020. Executive summaries of uncertain values close to the gain/loss threshold–linguistic modelling perspective. Expert Systems with Applications, 145, p.113108.
Urbani, M., Brunelli, M., and Collan, M., 2020, A comparison of maintenance policies for multi-component systems through discrete event simulation of faults, IEEE Access, 8, 1, 2169-3536
Urbani, M. and Collan, M., 2020, Additive manufacturing cases and a vision for a predictive analytics and additive manufacturing based maintenance business model, in Collan, M. and Michelsen, K-E. (Eds.), Technical, Economic, and Societal Effects of Manufacturing 4.0 – Automation, Adaption, and Manufacturing in Finland and Beyond, Palgrave McMillan, London, UK, 131-148
Urbani, M., Petri, D., Brunelli, M., and Collan, M., 2020, Maintenance management in light of Manufacturing 4.0, in Collan, M. and Michelsen, K-E. (Eds.), Technical, Economic, and Societal Effects of Manufacturing 4.0 – Automation, Adaption, and Manufacturing in Finland and Beyond, Palgrave McMillan, London, UK, 97-111
Lohrmann, A., Farfan, J., Caldera, U., Lohrmann, C. and Breyer, C., 2019. Global scenarios for significant water use reduction in thermal power plants based on cooling water demand estimation using satellite imagery. Nature Energy, 4(12), pp.1040-1048.
Ahmed, S., Collan, M., and Mikkelsen, A., 2019, Enhancing pairs trading strategies with machine learning – a Nordic Perspective (abstract), in Collan, M. (Ed.), 2019, Proceedings of the NSAIS-ROW workshop on Adaptive and Intelligent Systems and Real Options 2019, 53, LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications, Research Reports, 97, ISBN 978-952-3353-400-5 (PDF) – VIDEO
Collan, M. (Ed.), 2019, Proceedings of the NSAIS-ROW19 Workshop on Adaptive and Intelligent Systems and Real Options, Lappeenranta, Finland 22.-23. August, 2019, LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications, Research Report, 97, ISBN 978-952-335-400-5
Collan, S. and Collan, M., 2019, Benchmarking classifiers – comparing the GOWA-varint of the similarity classifier with selected classifiers, in Talasek, T., Stoklasa, J., and Slavickova, P. (Eds.), 2019, Proceedings of the Knowledge on Economics and Management Conference, KNOWCON19 2019, 12-17, September 5., 2019, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, ISBN 978-80-244-5543-3 (full PDF)
Collan, M., 2019, Vierailu Fields Institutessa Torontossa, INFORS – Suomen Operaatiotutkimusseuran jäsenlehti, 4-5, 1/2019 (full PDF)
Kozlova M., Yeomans, J. S. (2019).Multi-Variable Simulation Decomposition in Environmental Planning: An Application to Carbon Capture and Storage Journal of Environmental Informatics Letters, vol. 1, nr. 1, pp 20-26
Lohrmann,C. & Luukka,P. (2019). Classification of intraday S&P500 returns with a Random Forest.International Journal of Forecasting. Volume 35. Issue 1.
Mailagaha Kumbure, M., Luukka, P., and Collan, M., 2019, An enhancement of fuzzy K-nearest neighbor classifier using multi-local power means, in Stepnicka, M. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2019 conference of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT 2019), Atlantis studies in uncertainty modeling, 1, 83-90, Atlantis Press. ISSN 2589-6644, ISBN 978-94-6252-770-6
Muukkonen, A., Collan, M., and Savolainen, J., 2019, Weather-proofing electricity networks – high costs, what else? The Finnish case, in Talasek, T., Stoklasa, J., and Slavickova, P. (Eds.), 2019, Proceedings of the Knowledge on Economics and Management Conference, KNOWCON19 2019, 188-194, September 5., 2019, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, ISBN 978-80-244-5543-3 (full PDF)
Savolainen, J., Pedretti, D., & Collan, M. (2019). Incorporating Hydrologic Uncertainty in Industrial Economic Models: Implications of Extreme Rainfall Variability on Metal Mining Investments. 38, 2, 447-462, Mine Water and the Environment
Savolainen, J. and Collan, M., 2019, Phasing Construction Projects: Applying Fuzzy Logic and System Dynamics, Annual International Conference on Real Options, June 27.-29, 2019, London, UK (abstract PDF)
Chechurin, L. and Collan, M., Eds., (2018), Advances in Systematic Creativity – Creating and Managing Innovations, Palgrave McMillan, Cham, Switzerland
Chechurin, L. and Collan, M., (2018), Preface, v-x, in Chechurin, L. and Collan, M., Eds., (2018), Advances in Systematic Creativity – Creating and Managing Innovations, Palgrave McMillan, Cham, Switzerland
Collan, M. and Luukka, P., (2018), Multiple criteria multiple peer-assessment for and eLearning environment using a linguistic scorecard for on-line peer assessment, Fuzzy Economic Review, International Association for Fuzzy-set Management and Economy (SIGEF), vol. 21 (2), 93-109
Collan, M. and Luukka, P., (2018), Using Innovation Scorecards and Lossless Fuzzy Weighted Averaging in Multiple-criteria Multi-expert Innovation Evaluation, 323-340, in Chechurin, L. and Collan, M., Eds., (2018), Advances in Systematic Creativity – Creating and Managing Innovations, Palgrave McMillan, Cham, Switzerland
Kozlova, M., Collan, M., & Luukka, P. (2018). New investment decision-making tool that combines a fuzzy inference system with real option analysis. Fuzzy Economic Review, 23 (1), 63-92
Kozlova, M., Chechurin, L., and Efimov-Soini, N., (2018), Levelized Function Cost: Economic Consideration for Design Concept Evaluation, 267-298, in Chechurin, L. and Collan, M., Eds., (2018), Advances in Systematic Creativity – Creating and Managing Innovations, Palgrave McMillan, Cham, Switzerland
Kozlova, M., Collan, M., and Luukka, P., (2018), Simulation Decomposition: New Approach For Better Simulation Analysis Of Multi-Variable Investment Projects, Fuzzy Economic Review, International Association for Fuzzy-set Management and Economy (SIGEF), vol. 21 (2), 3-18
Lohrmann, C., & Luukka, P. (2018). A novel similarity classifier with multiple ideal vectors based on k-means clustering. Decision Support Systems, 111, 27–37.
Lohrmann, C., Luukka, P., Jablonska-Sabuka, M., & Kauranne, T. (2018). Supervised feature selection with a combination of fuzzy similarity measures and fuzzy entropy measures. Expert Systems with Applications, 110, 216–236.
Luukka, P., Collan, M., Tam, F. and Lawryshyn, Y., 2018. Estimating one-off operational risk events with the lossless fuzzy weighted average method. In Soft Computing Applications for Group Decision-making and Consensus Modeling (pp. 227-236). Springer, Cham.
Luukka, P., Stoklasa, J. and Collan, M., 2018. Transformations between the center of gravity and the possibilistic mean for triangular and trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. Soft Computing, pp.1-7.
Morreale, A., Stoklasa, J., and Talášek, T., (2018), Fuzzy Grouping Variables In Economic Analysis. A Pilot Study Of A Verification Of A Normative Model For R&D Alliances, Fuzzy Economic Review, International Association for Fuzzy-set Management and Economy (SIGEF), vol. 21 (2), 19-46
Pätäri, E., Karell, V., Luukka, P., Yeomans J.S., 2018, The dirty dozen of valuation ratios: Is one better than another? The Journal Of Investment Management 16(2), pp. 65-98
Räsänen, E., Collan, M., and Savolainen, J., 2018, in Slavickova, P. and Talasek, T. (Eds.), 2018, Proceedings of the 13th Knowledge for Market Use Conference, 384-390, 6.-7. September, 2018, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Spodniak, P. and Collan, M., 2018. Forward risk premia in long-term transmission rights: The case of electricity price area differentials (EPAD) in the Nordic electricity market. Utilities Policy.
Stoklasa, J., Talášek, T. and Luukka, P., 2018. Fuzzified Likert Scales in Group Multiple-Criteria Evaluation. In Soft Computing Applications for Group Decision-making and Consensus Modeling (pp. 165-185). Springer, Cham.
Stoklasa, J., Talasek, T., and Stoklasova, J., (2018), Reflecting Emotional Aspects and Uncertainty in Multi-expert Evaluation: One Step Closer to a Soft Design-Alternative Evaluation Methodology, 299 – 322, in Chechurin, L. and Collan, M., Eds., (2018), Advances in Systematic Creativity – Creating and Managing Innovations, Palgrave McMillan, Cham, Switzerland
Ullakko, K., Hiilamo, H., Handroos, H., Salminen, A., Kivioja, J., Rautopuro, J., and Collan, M., 2018, MFG40 – Valmistus 4.0 – ja sen teknologiset, taloudelliset, koulutukselliset ja sosiaalipoliittiset strategiat, Strategisen Tutkimuksen Neuvottelukunta (STN), Tilannekuvaraportti. 12 sivua.
Beranova, S., Stoklasa, J., Dudova, I., Markova, D., Kasparova, M., Zemankova, J., Urbanek, T., Talasek, T., Luukka, P. and Hrdlicka, M., 2017. A possible role of the Infant/Toddler Sensory Profile in screening for autism: a proof-of-concept study in the specific sample of prematurely born children with birth weights< 1,500 g. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 13, p.191. Available here
Collan, M. and Luukka, P., 2017. Proceedings of the ROW17 – Real Option Workshop in Lappeenranta, Finland. Available here
Collan, M., Savolainen, J. and Luukka, P., 2017. Investigating the effect of price process selection on the value of a metal mining asset portfolio. Mineral Economics, 30(2), pp.107-115.
Kozlova, M. and Collan, M., 2017. System dynamics approach to analyzing and managing working capital. In Real Option Workshop, Lappeenranta, Finland (p. 24). Available here
Kozlova, M., Morreale, A., Collan, M. and Nigro, G.L., 2017. Modeling bio-pharmaceutical alliance games: Studying the effect of information availability on decision-making. In Real Option Workshop, Lappeenranta, Finland (p. 4). Available here
Kurama, O., Luukka, P. and Collan, M., 2017, June. A similarity classifier with generalized ordered weighted averaging operator. In Fuzzy Systems Association and 9th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (IFSA-SCIS), 2017 Joint 17th World Congress of International (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Lawryshyn, Y., Collan, M., Luukka, P. and Fedrizzi, M., 2017. New procedure for valuing patents under imprecise information with a consensual dynamics model and a real options framework. Expert Systems with Applications, 86, pp.155-164.
Luukka, P. and Collan, M., 2017, Comparing circular histograms by using Modulo similarity and Maximum Pair-Assignment Compatibility measure, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 10, 1, 1-14 IF 0,574
Luukka, P. and Collan, M., 2017. Comparing Circular Histograms by Using Modulo Similarity and Maximum Pair-Assignment Compatibility Measure. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 10(1), pp.1-12. Available here
Luukka, P., Efimov-Soini, N., Collan, M. and Kozlova, M., 2017. Fuzzy MCDM-procedure for Design Evaluation: Capturing Redundant Information with an Interaction Matrix. Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic & Soft Computing, 29(5).
Mezei, J., Collan, M. and Luukka, P., 2017. Real Option Analysis with Interval-Valued Fuzzy Numbers and the Fuzzy Pay-Off Method. In Advances in Fuzzy Logic and Technology 2017 (pp. 509-520). Springer, Cham.
Mezei, J., Luukka, P. and Collan, M., 2017, June. Similarity of histograms and circular histograms from interval and fuzzy data. In Fuzzy Systems Association and 9th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (IFSA-SCIS), 2017 Joint 17th World Congress of International (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Morreale, A., Robba, S., Nigro, G.L. and Roma, P., 2017. A real options game of alliance timing decisions in biopharmaceutical research and development. European Journal of Operational Research, 261(3), pp.1189-1202. Available here
Pätäri, E., Karell, V., Luukka, P. and Yeomans, J.S., 2018. Comparison of the multicriteria decision-making methods for equity portfolio selection: the US evidence. European Journal of Operational Research, 265(2), pp.655-672.
Savolainen, J., Collan, M. and Luukka, P., 2017. Using a cycle reverting price process in modeling metal mining project profitability. Kybernetes, 46(1), pp.131-141.
Savolainen, J., Collan, M., Kyläheiko, K. and Luukka, P., 2017. On the trade-off between the leverage effect and real options thinking: A simulation-based model on metal mining investment. International Journal of Production Economics, 194, pp.43-51.
Spodniak, P., Collan, M. and Makkonen, M., 2017. On Long-Term Transmission Rights in the Nordic Electricity Markets. Energies, 10(3), p.295. Available here
Stoklasa, J., Luukka, P. and Talášek, T., 2017. Set-theoretic methodology using fuzzy sets in rule extraction and validation-consistency and coverage revisited. Information Sciences, 412, pp.154-173.
Stoklasa, J., Talášek, T., Kubatova, J. and Seitlova, K., 2017. Likert Scales in Group Multiple-criteria Evaluation. Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic & Soft Computing, 29(5).
Talášek, T. and Stoklasa, J., 2017. A Numerical Investigation of the Performance of Distance and Similarity Measures in Linguistic Approximation Under Different Linguistic Scales. Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic & Soft Computing, 29(5).
Bergman, J.P., Platonov, V., Dukeov, I., Röyttä, P. and Luukka, P., 2016. Information Processing Approach in Organisational Cognitive Structures: Relationship between Top and Middle Managers’ Cognitions. International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change (IJISSC), 7(4), pp.1-19. Available here
Collan, M., Fedrizzi, M., and Kacprzyk, J., 2016, Solving problems with fuzzy technology, in the series Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, 335, Springer International Publishing, Cham, Swizerland, ISBN 978-3-319-26984-9. Available here
Collan, M., Fedrizzi, M., and Luukka, P., 2016 on-line, Possibilistic risk aversion in group decisions: Theory with application in the insurance of giga-investments valued through the fuzzy pay-off method, Soft Computing. Available here
Collan, M., Haahtela, T., and Kyläheiko, K., 2016, On the usability of real option valuation model types under different types of uncertainty, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 11, 1, 18-37
Collan, M., Luukka, P., and Fedrizzi, M., 2016, Multi-distance and fuzzy similarity based fuzzy TOPSIS, in Madani, K., Correia, A., Rosa, A., Filipe, J., and Kacprzyk, J. (Eds.), Computational intelligence, Revised and selected papers of the international joint conference IJCCI 2013, Studies in Computational Intelligence, 613, 227-244, Springer. Available here
Collan, M. and Luukka, P., 2016, Strategic R&D project analysis: keeping it simple and smart, in Collan, M., Fedrizzi, M., and Kacprzyk, J. (Eds.), Solving problems with fuzzy technology, in the series Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, 335, 169-192, Springer International Publishing, Cham, Swizerland. Available here
Collan, M. and Luukka, P. (Eds.), 2015, Proceedings of the ROW15 – Real Option Workshop, 18.-19.8.2015 Lappeenranta, Finland; LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications, Raportit ja selvitykset – Reports, No. 44, ISBN 978-952-265-835-7. PDF
Collan, M. and Luukka, P. (Eds.), 2016, Proceedings of the NSAIS’16 – Workshop on Adaptive and Intelligent Systems 2016, 16 .-17. August, 2016, Lappeenranta, Finland, LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications, Research Reports 58, ISBN 978-952-265-985-9. Available here
Efimov-Soini, N., Kozlova, M., Luukka, P., and Collan, M., 2016, A multi-criteria decision-making tool with information redundancy treatment for design evaluation, in Collan, M. and Luukka, P. (Eds.), 2016, Proceedings of the NSAIS’16 – Workshop on Adaptive and Intelligent Systems 2016, 16.-17. August, 2016, Lappeenranta, Finland – LUT Scientific and Research Publications, Research Reports 58, 73-75. Available here
Koloseni, D., Fedrizzi M., Luukka, M., Collan, M., and Lampinen, J., 2016, Feature-wise Differential Evolution Classifier with an OWA-Based Multi-Distance Aggregation, International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research, 9, 4, 436-451
Kozlova, M., Collan, M. and Luukka, P., 2016. Simulation decomposition: New approach for better simulation analysis of multi-variable investment projects. Fuzzy Economic Review, 21, 2, p.3.
Kozlova, M. and Collan, M., 2016, Modeling the effects of the new Russian capacity mechanism on renewable energy investments, Energy Policy, 95, 1, 350-360
Kozlova, M., Collan, M., and Luukka, P., 2016, Comparison of the Datar-Mathews method and the Fuzzy Pay-Off method through numerical results, Advances in decision sciences
Kozlova, M., Luukka, P., and Collan, M., 2016, Fuzzy inference system for real option valuation, in Collan, M. and Luukka, P. (Eds.), 2016, Proceedings of the NSAIS’16 – Workshop on Adaptive and Intelligent Systems 2016, 16.-17. August, 2016, Lappeenranta, Finland – LUT Scientific and Research Publications, Research Reports 58, 23-25. Available here
Kurama, O., Luukka, P., and Collan, M., 2016, New n-ary λ-similarity classifier, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS), 26, 2, 407-421
Kurama, O., Luukka, P., and Collan, M., 2016, A similarity classifier with Bonferroni mean operators”, Advances in Fuzzy Systems, 2016, 11 pages,
Kurama, O., Luukka, P., and Collan, M., 2016, On a Weighted Ordered Weighted Averaging Based Similarity Classifier, Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI), 17.-19. November, 2016, Budapest, Hungary
Lawryshyn, Y., Luukka, P., Tam, F., and Collan, M., 2016, Estimating capital requirements for one-off operational risk events, in Collan, M. and Luukka, P. (Eds.), 2016, Proceedings of the NSAIS’16 – Workshop on Adaptive and Intelligent Systems 2016, 16.-17. August, 2016, Lappeenranta, Finland – LUT Scientific and Research Publications, Research Reports 58, 28-30
Luukka, P. and Collan, M., 2016, Histogram ranking with generalized similarity based TOPSIS applied to patent ranking, International Journal of Operational Research, 25, 4, 437-448
Luukka, P. and Collan, M., 2016, Bonferroni mean based similarity based TOPSIS, in proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 24.-29. July, 2016, Vancouver, Canada, 704-709
Luukka, P. and Collan, M., 2016, Similarity based TOPSIS with WOWA aggregation, in Collan, M. and Luukka, P. (Eds.), 2016, Proceedings of the NSAIS’16 – Workshop on Adaptive and Intelligent Systems 2016, 16.-17. August, 2016, Lappeenranta, Finland – LUT Scientific and Research Publications, Research Reports 58, 14-18
Morreale, A., Stoklasa, J., Collan, M., Lo Nigro, G., and Talasek, T., 2016, The effect of multiple possible outcomes representation on managerial decision making under uncertainty: an exploratory survey, in Grubbstrom, R. and Hinterhuber, H. (Eds.), Pre-Prints, 19th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, February 22-26, 2016, Innsbruck, Austria, Vol. 3, 239-248
Morreale, A., Stoklasa, J., Collan, M., and Lo Nigro, G., 2016 on-line, Uncertain outcome presentations bias decisions: experimental evidence from Finland and Italy, Annals of Operations Research. Available here
Sandström, J., Kyläheiko, K., and Collan, M., 2016, Managing uncertainty in long life cycle investments: Unifying investment planning, management, and post-audit with a fuzzy DSS, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 11,1, 133-145
Savolainen, J., Collan, M., and Luukka, P., 2016, Analyzing operational real options in metal mining investments with a system dynamic model, The Engineering Economist. Available here
Savolainen, J., Collan, M., and Luukka, P., 2016, Combining system dynamic modeling and the Datar-Mathews – method for analyzing metal mine investments, Acta Universitatis Palackinae Olomucensis, Facultas Rerum Naturalium, Mathematica, 55, 1, 95-109
Savolainen, J., Collan, M., Kyläheiko, K., and Luukka, P., 2016, Examining the effect of capital structure on the flexibility to temporarily shut down metal mining investments: equity holder´s point of view, in Grubbstrom, R. and Hinterhuber, H. (Eds.), Pre-Prints, 19th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, February 22-26, 2016, Innsbruck, Austria, Vol. 2, 89-99
Savolainen, J., Collan, M., and Luukka, P., 2016, Modeling the profitability of metal mining investments with real options as a dynamic techno-economic system, in Merkel, E., Kunze, R., and Fichtner, W. (Eds.), Einsatz von OR-Verfahren Zur Analyse von Fragestellungen Im Umweltbereich. Tagungsband Zu Den Workshops Der GOR-Arbeitsgruppe “OR Im Umweltschutz” am 20./21. Februar 2014 in Heidelberg Und Am 25./26. Februar 2015 in Aachen. Shaker Verlag GmbH, Aachen, pp. 93–116.
Collan, M. and Luukka, P., 2015, New Fuzzy Insurance Pricing Method for Giga-Investment Project Insurance, Insurance Mathematics and Economics, 65, 1, 22-29
Collan, M. (ed.), 2015, Re-print of the proceedings of the international real options workshop 2002, Createspace Inc., ISBN 978-151-514-354-3
Collan, M., Luukka, P., and Fedrizzi, M., 2015, New closeness coefficients for fuzzy similarity based fuzzy TOPSIS: An approach combining fuzzy entropy and multi-distance, Advances in fuzzy systems doi:10.1155/2015/251646 PDF
Collan, M., Stoklasa, J., and Talasova, J., 2015, Understanding Academic Faculty Evaluation Systems in Light of University Autonomy, in Turcan, R., Reilly, J., and Bugaian, L. (Eds.), Re-Discovering University Autonomy, Palgrave McMillan, 97-106
Kozlova, M. and Collan, M., 2015, Financing renewable energy projects in Russia under new legislation, in Renewable Energy Sources: The Collection of Lectures. Issue 8. – Moscow: University, 270-276. ISBN 978-5-91304-296-5
Kozlova, M., Collan, M. and Luukka, P., 2015. Russian Mechanism to Support Renewable Energy Investments: Before and After Analysis. In European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (pp. 243-252). Springer, Cham.
Kozlova, M., Collan, M., and Luukka, P., 2015, Comparing Datar-Mathews and fuzzy pay-off approaches to real option valuation, in Collan, M. and Luukka, P. (Eds.), 2015, Proceedings of the ROW15 – Real Option Workshop, 18.-19.8.2015 Lappeenranta, Finland; LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications, Raportit ja selvitykset – Reports, No. 44, 29-35
Kurama, O., Luukka, P., and Collan, M., 2015, Credit Analysis Using a Combination of Fuzzy Robust PCA and a Classification Algorithm, in Gil-Aluja, J., Terceño-Gomez, A., Ferrer-Comalat, J.C., Merigó-Lindahl, J.M., and Linares-Mustarós S. (Eds.) Scientific Methods for the Treatment of Uncertainty in Social Sciences, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 377, 19-20, Springer
Lounio, M., Collan, M., and Asikainen, S-K., 2015, Uncovering factors underlying retail investor stock investment intentions, in Martincik, D., Ircingova, J., and Janecek, P. (Eds.), 2015, Proceedings of the MME 2015 – 33nd International conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics, 9.-11. September, 2015, Cheb, Czech Republic, 461-466
Luukka, P. and Collan, M., 2015, Modulo similarity in comparing histograms, in Alonso, J., Bustince, H., and Reforman, M., (Eds.), 2015, Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology IFSA-EUSFLAT, 30.6.- 3.7.2015, Gijon, Spain, 89, 393-397, eISBN 978-94-62520-77-6, eISSN 1951-6851
Luukka, P., Collan, M., and Fedrizzi, M., 2015, Consensus modeling under fuzziness – a dynamic approach with random iterative steps, in Pedrycz, W. and Chen, S-M (Eds.), Granular Computing and Decision-Making, Studies in Big Data, 10, 195-218, Springer, Switzerland
Luukka, P., Collan, M., and Fedrizzi, M., 2015, A dynamic fuzzy consensus model with random iterative steps, in proceedings of the 48th Hawaii international conference on systemic sciences HICSS-48, 1474 – 1482, IEEE Computer Society, ISSN 1530 – 1605
Savolainen, J., Collan, M., and Luukka, P., 2015, Using a dynamic system model in ex-ante operational and profitability analysis of a metal mine through simulation, in Diez, P., Neittaanmäki, P., Periaux, J., and Tuovinen, T. (Eds.), book of abstracts of the ECCOMAS CM3 Thematic Conference – New Challenges for the Greening of Transport, 25.-27.5.2015, Jyväskylä, Finland, 97-100
Savolainen, J., Collan, M., and Luukka, P., 2015, Screening the value of a mining asset portfolio – a simulation approach, in Collan, M. and Luukka, P. (Eds.), 2015, Proceedings of the ROW15 – Real Option Workshop, 18.-19.8.2015 Lappeenranta, Finland; LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications, Raportit ja selvitykset – Reports, No. 44, 13-16
Savolainen, J., Collan, M., and Luukka, P., 2015, Screening Early Stage Mining Projects – a Simulation Approach, in Szakál, A. (Ed.), 2015, Proceedings of INES2015 – IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, 231-236, IEEE, 3.-5.9.2015 Bratislava, Slovakia, ISBN 978-1-4673-7939-0
Spodniak, P., Collan, M., and Viljainen, S., 2015, Examining the Markets for Nordic Electricity Price Differentials (EPAD) – Focus on Finland, LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications – Reports No. 51, Hokkipaino Oy, Salo, ISBN 978-952-265-776-3 (PDF)
Talasek, T., Stoklasa, J., Collan, M., and Luukka, P., 2015, Ordering of fuzzy numbers through linguistic approximation based on Bonnissone´s two step method, in Szakal, A. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Intenational Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI) 2015, November 19.- 21., 2015, Budapest, Hungary, 285-290
Barbazza, A., Collan, M., Fedrizzi, M., and Luukka, P., 2014, Consensus modeling in multiple criteria multi-expert real options-based valuation of patents, in Angelov, P., et. al. (Eds.) Intelligent Systems ´2014, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference Intelligent Systems IEEE IS’2014, September 24‐26, 2014, Warsaw, Poland, Volume 1: Mathematical Foundations, Theory, Analyses, Advances in intelligent systems and computing, 322, Part VII, 269-278, Springer International Publishing
Collan, M., Fedrizzi, M., and Luukka, P., 2014, Group possibilistic risk aversion in fuzzy pay-off method, In Talasova, J., Stoklasa, J., and Talasek, T. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference Mathematical Methods in Economics MME 2014, September 10 – 12, 2014, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 139-144, ISBN 978-80-244-4209-9
Collan, M., Björk, K-M., and Kyläheiko, K., 2014, Evaluation of an Information Systems investment into Reducing the Bullwhip Effect – a Three Step Process, International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 17, 3, 340-356
Collan, M., Kyläheiko, K., Freiling, J., and Roemer, E., 2014, Entrepreneurship and the art of tackling technological crises: a strategic real options framework, International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning, 10, 2, 166-185
Collan, M. and Luukka, P., 2014, Evaluating R&D projects as investments by using an overall ranking from four new similarity measure based TOPSIS variants, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 21, 6, 1-11 IF 2015: 6,701
Collan, M. and Luukka, P., 2014, Fuzzy scorecards and aggregation operators for interdependent variables, in Guan, Y. and Liao, H. (Eds.), 2014, Proceedings of the 2014 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, 31.5. – 3.6.2014, Montreal, Canada
Collan, M., Stoklasa, J., and Talasova, J., 2014, On academic faculty evaluation systems – more than just simple benchmarking, International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking, 4, 4, 437-455
Koloseni, D., Fedrizzi, M., Luukka, P., Lampinen, J., and Collan, M., 2014, Differential Evolution Classifier with Optimized OWA-Based Multi-distance Measures for the Features in the Data Sets, in Angelov, P., et. al. (Eds.) Intelligent Systems ´2014, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference Intelligent Systems IEEE IS’2014, September 24‐26, 2014, Warsaw, Poland, Volume 1: Mathematical Foundations, Theory, Analyses, Advances in intelligent systems and computing, 322, 765-777, Springer International Publishing
Lawryshyn, Y., Luukka, P., Collan, M., and Fedrizzi, M., 2014, Valuing patents utilizing consensual dynamics in a real options framework, in Guan, Y. and Liao, H. (Eds.), 2014, Proceedings of the 2014 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, 31.5. – 3.6.2014, Montreal, Canada
Luukka, P. and Collan, M., 2014, Histogram ranking with generalized similarity based TOPSIS applied to ranking patents, in Guan, Y. and Liao, H. (Eds.), 2014, Proceedings of the 2014 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, 31.5. – 3.6.2014, Montreal, Canada
Toivonen, T., Collan, M., and Saleem, K., 2014, Prediction of market switching and delisting events from OMX Fist North Nordic multilateral stock exchange, in proceedings of International Conference “GSOM Emerging Markets Conference: Business and Government Perspectives”, October 16, 2014, St. Petersburg, Russia